Taking Better Care of Your New Sliding Doors Can Extend Their Life

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Sliding doors can be a welcome addition to your home, whether you are adding sliding doors for the first time or you are replacing worn-out or outdated ones. If you have new sliding doors in your home, it is the perfect time to consider the routine care and maintenance you will need to perform to keep them in the best possible working order, as well as extending their useful lifespan in your home.

Taking Better Care of Your New Sliding Doors Can Extend Their Life

Most sliding doors will perform well for many years with some simple maintenance and cleaning. Common issues include damage to the screen, a door or screen coming off the track, scratches on the glass and rollers sticking and becoming harder to use over time. The more you use your sliding doors, the more likely it is that you will need to perform cleaning and maintenance. Regular lubrication with a quality silicone spray can also help your doors work better and last longer, even if you use them as your main entry point of your home.

To extend the life of your sliding doors as much as possible, here are some tips to consider:

  • Don’t open and close them excessively. Doors that are opened and shut frequently are more likely to get debris buildup in the track and more likely to come off the track.
  • Clean your door’s track regularly. When you are vacuuming the room anyway, use the vacuum hose and get rid of the larger debris. Then you can use a damp cloth to remove dust and small debris.
  • Never force your door to open or close.
  • Keep an eye on kids and pets around your sliding doors. They can be especially hard on them.
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