Three Signs to Replace Your Doors [infographic]

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Your doors may be one of the more overlooked features of your home, but they are also one of its most essential elements. Doors protect, insulate, and add style to your home, and their lifespan will differ depending on variables like the materials used to make them, quality of installation, and amount of daily wear and tear.

Three Signs to Replace Your Doors

Once your doors start to decline in function or style, you’ll want to explore the possibility of equipping your home with replacements. Here are three signs you may want to replace your doors:

  1. Difficult or impossible to operate: The most fundamental and necessary function of any door is being able to open and close smoothly, and once that ability is lost, you’ll want to address this issue by getting replacement doors.
  2. Damage: If your home’s doors are cracked, warped, split, rusting, or beginning to accumulate mold or mildew, it may be time to look into replacements. If this damage continues unresolved, it could allow water, air, or other outdoor elements to enter, which could impair the interior of your home.
  3. Increased energy bills: Doors that allow warm or cold air to escape can make it difficult and more costly to control your home’s temperature. If you suspect your doors are the culprit for your spiked heating or cooling bills, you’ll want to look into replacing the doors.

Three Signs to Replace Your Doors

If you’re in need of a door replacement and are looking for installation services in the Salisbury, North Carolina area, look no further than Speaks Custom Window & Sunrooms!

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